David Bowdich phishing scam email: THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI)

FBI Seal
FBI Official Seal

Note: The below email is a phishing scam from a man claiming to be employed by the FBI. Do not respond if you receive this email from David Bowdich.


From: David Bowdich <davidbowdich@investigation.net>


                                 Federal Bureau of Investigation
                                  Field Intelligence Groups J. Edgar Hoover Building
                         935 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20535
Attention: Beneficiary,
I am the Deputy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation David Bowdich. We intercepted and seized a sealed envelope at the John F Kennedy International Airport, New York, NY 11430 coming from a foreign country. We scanned the content of the sealed envelope and found it contained a total sum of 4.1 million dollars value certified payment bond. Also, the sealed envelope had documents with your name on them as the receiver of the package. We question the diplomat that accompanied the sealed envelope into the United States, and we learned that he was to deliver this sealed envelope to your residence as payment of an inheritance / winning prize payment due and owed to you. 
The envelope paperwork lacks the PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DELIVERY PERMIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE form. We confiscated the envelope and released the Diplomat. The sealed envelope according to section 229 subsection 31 of the International Commerce Regulators Code Enforcement Guidelines, lacks PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DELIVERY PERMIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE and since the content is valued financial material of such amount, from the joint team of the Federal Bureau Of Investigation and Homeland Security, you're to reply for direction on how to procure the envelope so you will be relieved of the charges of tax evasion which is a jail-able offense under section 12 subsection 441 of the tax code. We will also be asking the IRS to launch an investigation on money laundering if you do not follow our instructions. 
You are required to reply within 72 hours at that point I will walk you through the process of clearing and claiming the money. Failure to comply may lead to your arrest, interrogation and,/or you being prosecuted in the Court of Law for tax evasion and/or money laundering. You are also advised not to contact any bank in Africa, Europe or banking institutions for security reasons.
Yours in service,
David Bowdich
Deputy Director
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Class-Action Lawsuit Settlements against Drug Makers to Claim Millions of Dollars


Prescription drugs
Prescription drugs

Class-Action Lawsuit Settlements against Drug Makers

Email Subject: 12/11/20 *New Alert* ||| We’ve found the following Lawsuit Settlements for YOU !

Email Sender: message@notice.loanup.site

Most Americans have been affected by one or more of the following major class-action settlements. If you or a loved one has been affected by any of these, please click the link below to file your claim for a share of these multi-million (billion) dollar settlements.

Have you used Talcum Powder?
Since 1971, more than 20 studies have linked talc powder to ovarian cancer. In 2003, an analysis of 16 of these studies found that women using talcum powder were 33 percent more likely to develop ovarian cancer.  Johnson & Johnson, producer of popular talc-based powders like Baby Powder and Shower-to-Shower, allegedly knew about the ovarian cancer risk since at least 1971, but failed to warn consumers of the dangers. As a result, thousands of women have filed talc lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson.
If you or someone you know developed ovarian cancer or mesothelioma after using talcum powder, you may be entitled to compensation.

Click for your Talcum Power Settlement:

A Zantac lawsuit has been filed on behalf of those individuals who have developed cancer as a result of Zantac. The makers of Zantac, a popular over-the-counter and prescription heartburn medication, are facing a class-action lawsuit claiming the drug contains unsafe levels of the cancer-causing substance N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). If you or a loved one took Zantac and subsequently suffered injuries including but limited to bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer (pancreatitis), stomach cancer, brain cancer, or other cancers, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries through the Zantac class-action lawsuit.

Click Here for your Zantac Settlement:

Prescribed Truvada?

Legal actions filed by two sets of California patients assert Gilead knew of a link between their drugs containing tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) and a potential increased risk of bone and/or kidney problems.  If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with bone and/or kidney problems after using a TDF/PreP drug to
prevent or treat HIV, you need to speak up!  You might be eligible for financial compensation for your pain and suffering.
Don’t suffer in silence.  Fill out a no-cost claim review to see if you are eligible to receive compensation.

Click for your Truvada Settlement:

3M Ear Plugs
The 3M Military Earplug lawsuit claims the earplugs that 3M sold to the military between 2003 and 2015 were ineffective.  The plugs would not hold tight within a user's ears, therefore would not significantly reduce the loud impulse sounds of battlefield explosions that can harm the inner ear, causing hearing loss and tinnitus. If you or a loved one have experienced serious hearing loss after using the 3M Combat Arms Earplugs Version 2 (CAEv2) during deployment or training and were discharged before January 2015, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries through the 3M Ear Plugs lawsuit.

Click for your 3m Settlement:

Firefighter Foam
Chemical-based firefighting foam (AFFF) has been sold for decades because of its effectiveness in extinguishing jet fuel and petroleum fires. However, it may cause various types of cancer — most notably kidney, testicular, and pancreatic cancer — in firefighters who were regularly exposed to the foam. If you or a loved one are a firefighter, were exposed to this foam, and later developed cancer, you may be entitled to compensation through a firefighter foam class-action lawsuit.

Click for your Firefighter Foam Settlement:

Elmiron, a prescription drug used to treat bladder pain and discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis (IC), works by attaching itself to the wall of the bladder and providing a buffer between irritating substances and the bladder. However, recent studies have shown users of the drug Elmiron are at increased risk of developing Maculopathy that could also lead to eye injuries and blindness.  The Elmiron lawsuits allege that the company did not disclose the link between Elmiron use and serious vision damage. If you or a loved one take or have taken Elmiron and suffered an eye disorder or vision issues as a result, you may be entitled to compensation.

Click for your Elmiron Settlement:

Hernia Mesh
Hernia mesh is used to support damaged tissue after hernia surgery and help quicken the recovery.  Some patients that undergo hernia repair surgery suffer severe complications from the use of Physiomesh and C-Qur mesh, which can damage the intestines, bowels, and the abdomen. These side effects may require additional (or revision) surgery.  The hernia mesh lawsuits claim the medical devices are defectively designed and the manufacturers have failed to properly warn medical providers of the serious adverse complications and device failures.  If you or a loved one needed two or more hernia mesh surgeries after 2006, you may be entitled to compensation a Hernia Mesh lawsuit.

Click for your Hernia Mesh Settlement:

Monsanto's Roundup is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. Farmers, landscapers, nursery workers, as well as home gardeners have used this weed killer-- unaware and unwarned of any potential cancer risks.
If you or someone you love were exposed to RoundUp and diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, you may be entitled to compensation. You could claim millions of dollars.

Click for your RoundUp Settlement:

J&J Baby Powder or J&J Shower to Shower

If you or a loved one used talcum-based products, such as Baby Powder or Shower to Shower, in a daily routine and received a mesothelioma and ovarian cancer diagnosis, you may be eligible for compensation. Over 19,000 women affected by talcum joined the lawsuit already. In some cases, family members may file a wrongful death claim for the loss of a loved one from mesothelioma or ovarian cancer. $2.1 Billion in damages were upheld against Johnson & Johnson by the courts.

Click for your J&J Settlement:

Class-Action Lawsuit to Claim Millions of Dollars

Have you Been Injured or Hurt?

People get injured every day, be it in automobiles, motorcycles, a slip an fall, work-related accidents, medical malpractice, a faulty/defective product, and so many other ways. All property and product owners need to ensure the safety of their consumers or visitors. Depending on the negligence level or intent and the severity of the injury, you may be entitled to compensation for your injury. Billions of dollars have been won just by consulting an attorney and filing a lawsuit if deemed applicable. Recent studies on Personal Injury claims show that plaintiffs earned an average of $24,000 in compensation. You could claim millions of dollars.

Click for your Injury Settlement:

Car, Truck or Motorcycle Accident?

Don't hesitate if you have been injured in an automobile accident. It takes no time. You could claim millions of dollars for your pain and suffering, so why not find out today? You probably didn't know you could be owed money for your situation, so it's time to speak up! See what your case is worth!

Click for your Transportation Settlement:

Were You Prescribed Belviq for Weight Loss?

Early testing showed that test rats taking the drug developed tumors. Nonetheless, Belviq was officially approved by the FDA in 2012 and hit US markets in June 2013. On February 13, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested that the manufacturer of the weight-loss drugs Belviq and Belviq XR remove their drugs from the market due to an increased risk of cancer. If you or a loved one have taken Belviq or Belviq XR and are now diagnosed with any form of cancer, you may be eligible to compensation.

Click for your Belviq Settlement:

Best Regards,

Legal Class-Action Team


Community Based Marketing CBM addresses B2B Marketing Tactics


Community Based Marketing CBM

Community Based Marketing (CBM) guide launched by Guild to address ‘stale and ineffective’ B2B marketing tactics

[PRESSWIRE] London, UK - 10.11.20 -- 2020 has created ‘Perfect Storm’ conditions for B2B communities to flourish, and with this in mind, Guild, a British, independent messaging platform for professional groups and networks has today published a new guide: Community Based Marketing (CBM)– the new play in B2B marketing.


Although Community Based Marketing is burgeoning and there’s no shortage of technology to support it, Guild believes there is a lack of knowledge in this area which could hinder success - hence the reason for developing the guide.


Against the backdrop of remote working, rapid digital transformation and oversaturated B2B digital marketing channels, the in-depth guide:


  • defines Community Based Marketing (CBM)
  • shows where CBM sits in the B2B marketing funnel
  • makes the business case for CBM in B2B Marketing
  • gives success factors for CBM
  • provides case studies of successful CBM in B2B marketing


Ashley Friedlein, CEO and Founder, Guild, said:  “Community in B2B is back in fashion. When almost every B2B marketer follows the same playbook, it's time to develop a new play. And many are betting that a Community Based Marketing (CBM) strategy will be that play, so marketers need to be armed with the tools to make it a success.” 


The guide highlights several catalysts which are pointing towards CBM being the newest and most effective component of a B2B marketing strategy. These include a rise in the ‘passion economy’ or micro-businesses with professional experts at the helm; a less hierarchical way of working in larger corporates; the impact of Coronavirus; and the fact that traditional marketing tactics are rising in cost but dwindling in effectiveness. 


Friedlein continued:  “As a result of COVID-19, online or digital communities have seen a resurgence. Events and networking in person are no longer feasible, and the human connection has been lost. Finding safe spaces to connect, not just personally, but professionally, has become more important than ever.” 


As well as detailing what a successful approach to CBM looks like, the guide includes a  number of case studies and also features contributors from vendor, agency and client side experts in digital transformation, B2B marketing and communications. 

 Community Based Marketing CBM addresses B2B Marketing Tactics

Friedlein concluded:  “Community Based Marketing is set for rapid growth in 2020 because it turns stale and ineffective marketing tactics on their head. B2B marketers have a much better chance of gaining the attention, action, and the loyalty of their prospects and customers when they create a space where prospects and customers can forge an emotional bond and reciprocity between each other and the community founder.” 

Black Swan Capital LLC is Profiting from Winning the Lottery


Manuel Montori wins lottery

There is a secretive company in the United States that is profiting off of the Lottery. The Indy Star first reported this group on 11 November 2020. To date, Black Swan Capital LLC has won at least $6.3 Million USD cash, and has claimed at least 66 winning lottery tickets, in a multi-state lottery scheme to win. Black Swan Capital LLC is registered in Delaware as an "open-end investment fund," formed on June 27, 2019.

Who is the Leader of Black Swan Capital LLC?

The leader of Black Swan Capital LLC is Manuel Montori, and there are at least three other Princeton alumni involved: Matthew Gibbons, Hannah Davinroy, and Zoe Buonaiuto. 

How much did Manuel Montori win playing the lottery?

In Indiana, Manuel Montori has won 58 times the $1,000 cash prize from $30 lottery tickets in the $7,000,000 MEGA CASH lottery. He also won 3 tickets for $10,000.00 USD cash in this same lottery. He has won $88,000.00 USD doing this.

In Missouri, Manuel Montori won $5 Million USD from a scratch-off lottery on Oct. 6. He has won a total of $121,000 USD from the Missouri lottery, and was collected by Hannah Davinroy.

In Washington D.C., Manual Montori won $100,000.00 USD from the D.C. lottery.

Statistical Advantage to win the Lottery Cash Prize

The Indy Star suggests that the Black Swan Group LLC is using statistics to win at these lotteries, using publicly available information, available on the lottery websites. The scheme involves members of the group buying lottery tickets in mass, often buying up all of the tickets at once, from various locations. Black Swan Capital LLC then enjoys all of the cash rewards from this scheme.

From Kevin David: A Person Even More Powerful Than The President

 Kevin David

From: kevin@officialkevindavid.com

Hey My Friend,

This week has been all about the U.S. elections.

And while it’s important to follow what’s going on in the world...

We can’t let the news and raging emotions take control of us.

Yes, choosing the president has a direct impact on the country and the economy...

But there’s one other person who is even more powerful than the president.

You might think that Biden’s tax plans or Trump’s questionable pandemic policies will make it impossible for you to become successful...

Or you might believe that when the opposite side wins, you’ll be screwed.

But that’s simply not true.

The president DOES NOT determine your success.

It’s determined by the one person who has way more control over your future…

And that person is YOU!

YOU are building your future and only YOU are responsible for the life that you are living!

There are people and businesses who’ve made a lot of money through multiple different presidencies...

And there are people and businesses who thought they have to give up when their supported candidate didn’t win.

Which side will you choose?

It’s true that some businesses have to make small pivots but this is completely normal in the business world and happens all the time...

So the only thing that matters is what you do and will you take action to make the best out of these new changes.

If you want to set yourself up for success, improve your personal life, and make sure you are up-to-date with all the best business strategies…

Then I invite you to listen to my podcast “The Kevin David Experience”.

Every week I interview some of the most successful businessmen or influential people on the planet and dive deep into their journey and mind.

We have tens of thousands of daily listeners and there’s a reason why we are on the list of the Top 25 Business Podcasts In The World.

Click here to see a list of all our episodes and subscribe to the podcast!

I guarantee that by listening to these interviews every week, you have more than enough knowledge and ideas to become successful…

No matter who’s running the country or which policies will be changed.


P.S. Last week I interviewed the millionaire stock trader Timothy Sykes.

If you want to know where the economy is heading and how to invest better then click here to listen to our conversation!

This week I had the pleasure to talk with Ash Dykes about his extreme adventures like walking across Mongolia, getting stalked by wolves, and almost dying of dehydration in the desert.

Alabama Power Fails to Properly Dispose of Toxic Coal Ash


Toxic Coal Ash in Alabama

According to Mobile Baykeeper, there are "more than 52 illegal and ongoing groundwater violations" in the state of Alabama due to improper storage of coal ash in pits across the state. These coal ash sites can be seen on this interactive map

What Causes Toxic Coal Ash?

Coal-burning power plants end up with a waste byproduct after their normal processes of creating energy, and they must do something with this toxic coal ash. Oftentimes, this waste is mixed with water and dumped into a massive pond or pit near the plant. This coal ash contains many heavy metals that are very dangerous to humans, including Arsenic, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, and Selenium. The full dangers of toxic coal ash was evidenced when 11 workers died and hundreds of people suffered serious illnesses in Kingston, Tennessee after the nation's largest spill in Tennessee in 2008. Workers involved with the cleanup became seriously ill. This toxic coal ash spill resulted in 40 damaged or destroyed homes, and up to $3 billion USD in damage, not to mention the hazardous environmental impact, that can affect industries that rely on clean water.

Watch the YouTube video below:

The Toxic Coal Ash Problem in Alabama

The most egregious situation regarding coal ash violations is going on at Plant Barry, owned by Alabama Power. Plant Bary is surrounded on three sides by the Mobile River. There are 21 million tons of toxic coal ash in a 600-acre unlined pit. The toxic chemicals from this toxic ash pit will contaminate groundwater and the Mobile River. The toxic coal ash pit at Plant Barry is only 1 of 6 in the state of Alabama.

Cap-in-Place Doesn't Work

Alabama Power plans to "cap-in-place" as a solution to this coal ash problem in Alabama. Cap-in-place refers to putting a liner over a toxic coal ash pit, while leaving it unlined on the bottom. This poor remedy was done in Gadsden, Alabama in 2018, and the results were horrifying. In 2019, officials found 100 times the allowable limit for arsenic in local groundwater, and over 50% over the limit for radium in the groundwater affected by the Gadsden cap-in-place, which clearly makes the situation.

The Solution to the Toxic Coal Ash Problem in Alabama

There is a solution that is estimated to be less expensive and better than Alabama Power's solution to cap-in-place. The solution is to remove the toxic coal ash away from an area that is susceptible to hurricanes, and vulnerable communities, where the toxic coal ash can contaminate the local groundwater.

There are great examples of lined landfills that are better for the environment, that can be found in Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Southeastern States Storing Toxic Coal Ash Pits

More information on this issue can be found here.

Disclaimer: This blog is not affiliated or paid by anyone to write this post.




From: release@presswire.com


The Loudhailer, a South African based  innovation engagement agency and leading aggregator of the African innovation ecosystem and  Amma Group, with a proven track record of fund formation in a unique asset class, namely fancy coloured diamonds, have partnered to create The Global Innovation Group. Its first initiative is to support the expansion of the Global Startup Awards across Africa where they aim to find, support and connect the top 1% of the start-up ecosystem to solve some of the world’s critical problems.


Over the past four years,  Africa's tech sector has been one of the major highlights of the continent’s economic narrative1 and presents an unparalleled opportunity to build sustainable business with positive impact, leveraging innovation and inclusion2. Our mission is to help African start-ups get noticed, supported, and funded to scale faster, enabling world changing technologies.


Established in the Nordics in 2012, the Global Startup Awards is the largest independent start-up ecosystem competition. New to the 2020 awards will be the entire African continent comprising 54 countries. Categories will include, but are not limited to BlockChain, AgTech, Social Impact, Supply Chain and Women in Tech.

Global Startup Awards

During the formation of its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG’s) goals, Amma Group was introduced to The Loudhailer, the regional partner for the Global Startup Awards.  The African continent makes up around 40% of all diamond production. The term conflict diamonds is well known and for a long time now, mines have signed up to the Kimberley process, ensuring diamonds are conflict free. However less well known are the ESG concerns surrounding the industry.  In a desire to ensure traceability of its diamonds, Amma Group has partnered with The Loudhailer to support and connect digital futureshapers whose innovations might address these concerns.

 Amma Group

“In looking for a partnership, it was important to Amma Group that we worked with an organisation that promoted innovation, self-sufficiency and growth, but also looked to ‘challenge the norms’ - all principles that have helped to shape our organisation”, said Mahyar Makhzani, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Amma Group


“With an intention to work with partners to improve social, economic and environmental factors within the diamond and precious stone industry, Amma Group through is partnership with The Loudhailer is developing a fund structure to further support winners of the African based Global Startup Awards, also providing the business tools needed to succeed. Inevitably these digital disruptors will pave the way in addressing climate change, sustainability metrics and energy”, said Philip Baldwin, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Amma Group.


“Africa, earmarked as the tech continent of the future is home to ‘frugal innovation’ – a continent innovating out of necessity, not profit – in a way unparalleled to developed economies. This ability to pioneer affordable and sustainable solutions in a way that is cheaper, more flexible and more inclusive is exactly what all the world needs right now to tackle huge problems of energy, health and climate change”, said Caitlin Nash, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of The Loudhailer.


“Through these initiatives we will raise visibility of African start-ups on the global stage to stimulate the socio-economic prosperity of Africa. By helping start-ups get seen, funded and scale globally we will be creating jobs, and developing necessary skills to stimulate positive and environmental change” commented Jo Griffiths, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of The Loudhailer.


Nominations for 2020 will open in November and will be judged by an independent panel of experts. Finalists will be announced in May 2021.


For further information on the Global Startup Awards or how to get involved contact kirsten@theglobalstartupawards.com


-    End    -


Sources of Information & Quotes


In 2017 [rough diamond production] jumped to 152 million carats and then fell 3% to 147 million carats the following year. Bain & Company Global Diamond Report 2019


Out of a total of $230 billion sales within the premium and luxury jewelry segments, diamond jewelry represents $80 billion. Bain & Company Global Diamond Report 2019


1/. Africa's tech sector has been one of the major highlights  of the continent’s economic narrative. World Economic Forum


2/. Africa presents an unparalleled opportunity to build sustainable business with positive impact, leveraging innovation and inclusion.  Refinitiv 2020 Playbook on Sustainable Finance and ESG


“We believe that the sky is indeed the limit in Africa’s digitization. Entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and investors are seizing the opportunity to build something new and change peoples lives.” Ache Leke, Chair of McKinsey & Co’s Africa Practice


Digital technologies allow forward-looking businesses to recast Africa’s challenges as an opportunity to innovate and address massive unmet demand. Africa’s consumers are woefully underserved: there are 60,000 per formal retail out in Africa, compared to 400 per store in USA. Harvard Business Review


Impact investing can offer capital to tackle some of the greatest challenges across various sectors including micro-finance, affordable healthcare and housing, sustainable agriculture and energy with a significant number of investors adopting the UN’s sustainable development goals and the AU Agenda 2063 objectives as reference point to gauge the impact. Africa Impact Report 2019


Technology and responsible investing will “inevitably be the top two megatrends” of the 2020s, Nigel Green deVere Group’s Chief Executive and founder



The Loudhailer  –  www.theloudhailer.com

Jo Griffiths –  jo@theloudhailer.org


Amma Group  – www.amma-group.com

Sally-Ann Farrington –  s.farrington@amma-group.com


Global Startup Awards  –  www.globalstartupawards.com

Kirsten Roos - Kirsten@theglobalstartupawards.com


The Global Innovation Group  –  www.theglobalinnovationgroup.com


The Loudhailer Boiler Plate


The Loudhailer is an award winning, globally recognized African innovation firm that facilitates ease of cross-territory collaboration, knowledge sharing, mentorship and solution-based engagements.


Our value-driven team is at the epicenter of the innovation ecosystem with expert knowledge and experience with start-ups, investors, corporates, academia and government. Our extensive networked relationships enable identification and access to key market opportunities, unlock barriers to build sustainable solutions, and actively aggregate and forge global market connections.


Amma Group Boiler Plate


Amma Group specialise in meeting the needs of ultra-high net worth individuals and institutions through a multi-faceted approach, namely


  • Amma Asset Management - focusing on fancy coloured diamonds and precious stones with a proven track record of uncorrelated returns
  • Amma Advisory - providing analysis and advice on creating solutions that have a positive, long lasting impact on gross margin, revenues and growth
  • Amma Priv é- creating exceptional bespoke high jewellery for private clients.


With a strong reputation globally, Amma Group has a wealth of industry knowledge and is able to offer advice across the luxury goods sector.

Kevin David: Top 10 Life Lessons and Our New Website is LIVE


Email address: kevin@officialkevindavid.com

Subject: Top 10 Life Lessons + Our New Website Is LIVE

Email body: 

Hey My Friend,

First, thank you for all birthday wishes I received over the past couple of days; I am truly grateful!

My amazing team decided to give me the gift of a completely redesigned 

It looks amazing, and I love it!

But the part I am the most excited about is all new world-class content we have planned for you, including:

  • New free trainings
  • Blogs
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • And much more

You can click here (or on the picture below) to check it out! I would love to hear your feedback on it.

It looks like many of you enjoyed the latest FB birthday post (I do one each year) where I outlined the top life-changing mindset shifts I experienced during the last year.

Below is the shortened version of this post
 for easy application!

Every year on my birthday, I like to carve out time to reflect on the past year to see what I’ve learned...

And I love to acknowledge valuable insights from my victories or struggles that I could also pass on to other people.

So I’ve created a TOP 10 list of the major breakthroughs and lessons I learned over the past 12 months…

  1. Everyone experiences fear, demotivation, hopelessness, and feeling overwhelmed or lost. It’s okay because that shows we are outside of our comfort zones and it’s the only way we can grow!

  1. Every day you have the choice to choose whether to be kind and spread love or to be negative and spread anger. You attract the energy you put out. So choose happiness and live for yourself. Don’t worry about impressing others because ultimately no one cares.

  1. Learn to forgive yourself and others. Holding the grudge and reliving negative emotions is always more destructive than the event itself. Learn to let go - it’s the most liberating feeling.

  1. What you see on the surface is rarely the truth. Stop comparing yourself to other people. What’s more important is your own happiness. Some of the most successful people I know are actually unhappy inside. That’s why I’m so grateful I get to do what I love and make good money doing it!

  1. The grass seems always greener on the other side but what matters is how you take care of your own grass! A “rich” person sees a “broke” man playing outside in a small yard with his kids and feels jealous because he is on his way to another 16 hour workday and can’t spend time with children. A “broke” person sees the “rich” person driving a new exotic car and feels jealousy. It’s a lose-lose situation and the only thing you should do is take care of your own grass.

  1. Use every interaction you can to form relationships and be kind. You’ll never know whose connection you’ll need in the future and it’ll come back to you tenfold. Treat everyone you meet like a close friend you haven’t seen in years.

  1. Confidence is king. You have to believe you deserve everything you want in life because no one else won’t. You have to be able to see your success BEFORE it exists. It’s the only way to make it come true.

  1. Find a “higher purpose”. Working towards your purpose is the only thing that can give you the energy to keep going and help you push through the hardest obstacles. What’s your mission on this earth?

  1. You can’t do multiple things well at an extremely high level. Find your vision and FOCUS on it entirely. As an entrepreneur, it’s so easy to get dragged into multiple different projects, and not even realize how much that mental fatigue is affecting you. Respectfully say “no” and focus on the right things that are in tune with your vision.

  1. The best way to live life is to be genuinely and consistently happy. Here’s
    how I’ve achieved happiness. Remove the things and activities that make you unhappy. Always be honest with yourself and honest about what you really enjoy. Build your life around that. Progress is what makes you feel good. Relationships are what fulfill you. And finally, gratitude is what brings you peace. Be grateful for life!

Full post can be found here.

These are the most important lessons I learned over the past year.

I hope they have been valuable for you and I encourage you to start applying them into your own life.

If this list seems overwhelming at first, then start by applying just 1 lesson every day. This way you can truly analyze and implement each point individually for maximum effect.

It’s where you'll find everything you need to become the entrepreneur you always dreamed of becoming.

Until next time,

Kevin David

P.S. As already mentioned, I would love to hear your feedback on new website, as well as to hear your ideas on content you would like us to include in the future.

Email Phishing from Bedroom

Email Phishing from Bedroom