Dab Amir Your Attention is Needed Saudi Arabia

From: Dab Amir

Warm regards,
I am sending this dramatic email to you due to pressing exigencies, and sad developments for my family in my country, Saudi Arabia.


[Do not go to link]

Our Crown Prince has turned a political power game into a lie and fraud against my person, all borne out of a deep greed for Power and nothing more.As the story above details, I am now being held on false accusations.

I ask for your kind hearted assistance.
Though I have not met you before, and niether have you met me. But this is exactly the criteria that works perfectly for me and you, since all my previously known contacts are KNOWN.
I just need you to help me make a confidential confirmation. Its that simple. No risk to you. My access to send this email is highly classified. Please have no apprehension. You will be richly rewarded. I assure you.
God bless you as you respond.

Dab Amir

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